For the past month or so, my Telegram has been constantly stuck on ‘updating’ or ‘connecting.’ It’s gotten to the point where images won’t upload or download—sometimes even messages don’t go through. It just sits there, endlessly trying to connect. This never used to happen, so I’m hoping someone has some advice.
I’m using iOS and I’m based in Australia. I noticed that things get a bit better when I connect to a VPN, but then it starts to lag again. I’ve already tried reinstalling the app.
Would appreciate any help! I love using Telegram, but this is really frustrating.
I’ve had similar issues on both iOS and desktop since the last update. It takes a while to connect or update before everything syncs. I’m using an iPhone 6s, so I thought it might be a compatibility issue, but it’s annoying. This is the first real problem I’ve had with Telegram in over 7 years.
Moe said:
I had the same problem for a while, and it drove me crazy. I finally figured it out—try leaving some of the groups in your account, and it might fix things.