I have been getting really frustrated with Telegram lately. Whenever I try to send a message, I just see a spinning clock icon and it never goes through. It’s happening on both chats and groups. Has anyone else encountered this issue? I’m wondering if there are any known fixes or if it might be a problem with the Telegram servers.
Check if Telegram is Down: Go to Down Detector to see if Telegram is having problems.
Wait it Out: If the app is down, you’ll need to wait a few minutes or hours until the servers are back up and running.
I experienced the same issue repeatedly till I was close to uninstalling the app and I met one video that helped me to fix the issue in two minutes.
Try this video too and you will thank me later:
It has been happening to me for approximately a month now, but only on desktop computers. This includes both my laptop and desktop computers running separate networks and using Chrome, Edge, or the Telegram app. On the other hand, the app functions well on my iPhone. I’ve noticed that several other users are experiencing the same problem in the bug reports, but no one has responded. I was quite disappointed, to be honest. I tried emailing support and Twitter, but neither worked.
You’re not alone! That spinning clock on Telegram is super annoying. I’ve gotten stuck with it too, both in chats and groups.
It could be Telegram’s servers, your internet, or the app itself. Try restarting your internet, closing and reopening Telegram, or searching online for a fix. Good luck!