First off, if this isn’t the correct sub for this question I would greatly appreciate your recommendations as to where it would be better suited.
Four or five years ago my then 12-year-old son built his own gaming PC and boy was I proud of him. He would hop on my Amazon account and just add individual components to the cart to which Santa ended up delivering the goods. I have learned a great deal since then and he has too, but in all honesty I had no idea what or how or anything in between that would work but I wanted to encourage his curiosity and dedication.
He ‘forgot’ one critical part that was the Wi-Fi component because, well, he’s of the generation that doesn’t know life without the internet and thought it just magically appeared, bless it. The day he finally finished wiring it up and was ready to power it on I drilled it into him that the next day we would go purchase a legit Windows package and to just be patient.
He had a friend at the time who was even more advanced in the tech stuff than he was, and this friend barged into my home and ran upstairs to where my son was. Before I could run up behind him and observe, the kid had already inserted a USB with a ‘free copy of Windows’ that some stranger had offered him online. I immediately died a little inside because I knew what was happening, and my son did too. Needless to say, all the time and effort my kid put into this, not to mention all the money I had invested, went right out the window. My son was pissed. I thought I was going to murder a 13-year-old that day, and it would’ve been worth it to me.
Anyway, this completely took the excitement and joy away from my kid, and he eventually just gave up and moved the tower into the closet. We’ve been talking about it a little bit lately, and he came downstairs the other night with the tower in hand and said he was done with it and wanted to know how to dispose of it. So, here is where I need your help. I need a crash course in how to properly break it down, what components to save for privacy purposes, and which are worth trying to sell. If it’s even worth selling, where should we do that, and is there a site to guide us in pricing things?
To sum things up, I contacted the friend’s parents and they were oblivious and even wondered why they were constantly having to take his devices to be fixed. They aren’t friends anymore, and I still would love to knock the snot out of this know-it-all, but I digress. Thanks, y’all! Also, my apologies if the flair isn’t correct either.