Does the “not interested” button actually work?

Does the not interested button actually work on instagram?

So, besides talking to my friends, I use instagram mainly to look at 5 things.

Korean food



Minecraft Aesthetic Builds


But lately, and I don’t know why, Ive been getting these “influencers” (if you know what I mean) on my feed. And honestly, I really really dislike those posts. I know the drill, which is to click not interested and not click on their actual account. I reload, and I see the same thing again, hell sometimes its the same exact post. I checked my likes and comments history, and no where did I accidentally click like on such posts. I checked if Instagram tracked anything, and it doesnt. So… does it actually work?


Once I started clicking not interested on all those dumbass Reels trends with annoying audio and filters, I stopped seeing those trends. It took a lot of “not interested” clicks tho


Just passing by to say that it does absolutely nothing months later. I hate Instagram so much


honestly same. It’s been better since (wow 9 months haha. Surprised you found it). Feed has been somewhat consistent, but I still get someone stupid that I would never enjoy occasionally

To be polite I liked my friends post abt his pit bull and now I’m getting tons of pit bull suggestions and I hate it

I have a feeling that the feature is not only used to “enhance” your experience but is also colecting data (negative preferences). Sort of feels like, the more stuff i flag as not interested, the more i have to dig for things i like and therefore spend more time in order to get that dopamine rush. Especially things that are related to age and gender. Ever since ive turned 25 my feed is filled with marriage/parenting content even though i never search or click those topics. I deleted the app from my phone since most of my close friends arent active and i find it hard to see upsides to using instagram anymore.