Does Paypal charge fees if you purchase and use their payment method (no currency conversion)?

According to my research, there should never be a fee when using Paypal as a payment method, however our credit card statement consistently shows an extra charge of about 3%.

Metrobank Rewards Plus is our credit card.

I would appreciate any assistance. I am grateful.


Paypal does not require a conversion fee. However, because foreign money was charged, your card will be charged foreign transaction fees. Actually, for Metrobank, it’s 3.5%.

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PayPal does not impose fees on users who use their payment method to make purchases—as long as there is no need for currency conversion. This implies that there are no extra fees from PayPal when you pay for products or services from online retailers.

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I’m grateful. Are other banks charging less, or is the 3.5% fee standard for all banks? :sweat_smile:

It appears really high. Our thoughts are to get a credit card from a different bank in order to take advantage of better exchange rates, as Metrobank’s costs appear exorbitant even while traveling overseas.