My friend and I have a long Snapchat streak, and I usually snap her more often than she snaps me. Lately, the hourglass timer has been appearing, which is stressful because we’re generally busy. Maintaining this streak has become a bit of a hassle.
The timer has shown up a few times, and each time we’ve managed to keep the streak going. Once, it was there for around 4 hours before she snapped back and reassured me to relax. However, the timer has appeared again, and it’s been a few hours.
I’m curious if the hourglass appears at a set time or if there’s a rough indication of how long we have before the streak ends. It seems to show up after more than 24 hours since our last snaps. For instance, the last time we both snapped was 29 hours ago when we were together at a bar. I just don’t want our streak to end.
Any insights on how the hourglass timer works and how long it indicates before the streak ends would be greatly appreciated.