I first selected Subrosa1952 which worked for about a month. Then it mysteriously changed to AloneKnight???. Now today, I’m ??? Trainer??? What gives?
Your u/Subrosa1952 still exists and has not posted for 5 months
u/AloneKnight exists and has not posted for 1 year
Are you certain you are signing in with your username and password?
Are you connected to any of these accounts through Apple or Google?
Web or app?
I assist people with PC problems. The amount of people that can’t understand how accounts work and why you need to log in even in the first place using Hotmail to make a Google account and also having multiple…
I get it. I used to get people calling in for a new password every pay period because they needed to get into their account to print out their paystubs. Every two weeks!!
I connect through Safari on a MacBook Pro. Web.
Donna said:
I connect through Safari on a MacBook Pro. Web.
But are you using a user name (Subrosa1952) and a password to log in?
Or are you using your email address?
Or are you using “continue with phone number”, continue with Google, continue with APPLE.?
And what error does it give when attempting to log in?
When I want to access reddit… I simply type “reddit” on the search line accessed through Safari on my Mac. I’ve never been asked to log in, never asked for a password, never asked for an email address and never asked for a phone number. I’ve never received an “error” message.
If you are not being asked to log in and include a password it must be saved in your settings somewhere.
Check your pc settings for saved passwords and you should find your accounts there.
I don’t use Safari, nor do I use a MAC.
If you need assistance with that go to r/MacOS or r/Safari
Are you using the same password for all your alt accounts and getting them confused?
Also, maybe make sure you don’t have any CO leaks where you live/work.
MarcusBrown said:
Are you using the same password for all your alt accounts and getting them confused?
Also, maybe make sure you don’t have any CO leaks where you live/work.
What is a CO leak. And, I’m never asked for a password. I log into reddit and have always been immediately connected.
Carbon Monoxide, poisonous alternative to air/oxygen. He’s asking if you’re losing your mind, imagining it, or both.
Cliff said:
Carbon Monoxide, poisonous alternative to air/oxygen. He’s asking if you’re losing your mind, imagining it, or both.
I know what Carbon Monoxide is and am not losing my mind. I’m simply identifying a puzzling situation on reddit. And, rudeness and sarcasm will never be viewed as helpful nor beneficial,
> I know what Carbon Dioxide is and am not losing my mind.
> And, rudeness and sarcasm will never be viewed as helpful nor beneficial,
first time here? That applies to OPs too, not just replies…
In all seriousness, you posted in the wrong sub and mostly broke Rule 2; definitely Rule 3. Nobody can really help you with account issues. And nobody is changing your account name…
Cliff said:
Carbon Monoxide, poisonous alternative to air/oxygen. He’s asking if you’re losing your mind, imagining it, or both.
“log in”
You need a password for that
You should be posting this in r/help as it is help for Reddit issues