How to Make a Private Match to Play Against Bots in Modern Warfare 2

How can I set up a private match in Modern Warfare 2 to play against bots? I’m looking to practice against AI opponents but I’m not sure how to set it up. Can someone walk me through the process?

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To start a private multiplayer match, open the Multiplayer menu and select “Create Private Match.” Choose your preferred game mode, set up the game with your chosen map and rules, and add bots with your desired difficulty level. Finally, hit “Start Match” to begin playing.

Hi, here i will show you how to set up CODMW2 Multiplayer Match bots with Hyper-Realistic Humanlike A.I. for private match, all you have to do is download this file and do these steps,

  1. Locate your MW2 Main game folder.
  2. Find and open the ‘mods’ folder. (if none, create one)
  3. Move the files in Call of Duty MW2 [MAINFOLDER] to your Root /MW2/ Folder. (This will place mods/bots into your MW2 Main Folder) i.e. -[STEAM/STEAMAPPS/COMMON/CODMW2/MODS/BOTS/svr_bots.iwd + svr_bots_loadM1.iwd
  4. Run your game/server. If you are not using a dedicated server, go to private match.
  5. You must set the ‘fs_game’ dvar to ‘mods/bots’ before you load the map. Use the console (use ~ or alt-tab) to change dvars.