I’m relatively new to Minecraft and have been exploring all the different things you can create. I’ve seen some players use fireworks, and they look amazing! Can someone explain how to make fireworks in Minecraft?
Specifically, I’m keen on:
The basic ingredients needed.
Steps to craft them.
Any tips on customizing the fireworks with different colors and effects.
scoreboard players add @a[scores={used.firework_rocket=1…}] used.firework_rocket 1
scoreboard players reset @a[scores={used.firework_rocket=600…}] used.firework_rocket
execute as @a store result score @s count.firework_rocket run clear @s firework_rocket 0
execute as @a[scores={count.firework_rocket=0}] unless score @s used.firework_rocket = @s used.firework_rocket run give @s firework_rocket{Fireworks:{Flight:1b}}
execute at @a[scores={dropped.firework_rocket=1…}] run kill @e[type=item,nbt={Item:{id:“minecraft:firework_rocket”}},distance=…3]
execute at @a[scores={death=1…}] run kill @e[type=item,nbt={Item:{id:“minecraft:firework_rocket”}},distance=…3]
scoreboard players reset @a dropped.firework_rocket
scoreboard players reset @a death
However, players will still receive new firework_rocket if they put it in the chest, but it is almost impossible to check.