Did a game instantly fry my GPU?

Blake said:
he didnt said that he bought the card brand new either

I would generally interpret “the card is less than a year old” as them having bought it new less than a year ago, but you are correct they don’t say they got it new. Either way, if it is less than a year old, something is defective or the card was mistreated (excessively overclocked for example)

This probably won’t work but you could try booting into BIOS or UEFI and disabling the DGPU and then seeing if your computer starts with the GPU plugged in but with it disabled, and then reenable it and see if it plays the game. No reason this should work but sometimes magic happens.

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I hope you got a really good deal on that 1660 Super because that thing came out in 2019. It’s still a decent card for 1080p gaming but if you “bought it new” then the price had better reflect the age. $150 would probably be fair. Much more and you got ripped off.

And if you did buy it new, warranty return it. GPUs are nearly bulletproof these days, and no matter how modded your Skyrim is, they don’t just break.

If you overclocked your GPU then there’s a theoretical chance that Skyrim pushed your GPU hard enough to crash, but even then it shouldn’t just break.

In the future, try to avoid buying CPUs that don’t have integrated graphics. It’s a great diagnostic tool to be able to just run your PC with no GPU installed.

But yeah, if it’s actually just a year old, return it.

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i had a laptop, i turned it off before i went to shower, after 30m i wanted to check on something so i turned it on, aaaand black screen… Did turning off my laptop broke it?

Ezra said:
i had a laptop, i turned it off before i went to shower, after 30m i wanted to check on something so i turned it on, aaaand black screen… Did turning off my laptop broke it?

How does that relate to OP’s broken 1660 Super?

just another example for correlation does not imply causation

Ezra said:
just another example for correlation does not imply causation

Words are supposed to have meanings attached to them. You can’t just roll dice and put words in any order.

your point being?

Ezra said:
your point being?

If you want tech support for your issue, you should make your own post. Not wander into unrelated posts and ramble.

Rowen said:

Ezra said:
your point being?

If you want tech support for your issue, you should make your own post. Not wander into unrelated posts and ramble.

damn, now i feel stupid that i wasted time to relpy…